Sunday, April 25, 2010

Faith is Like a Little Seed

"Yea, and it came to pass that the Lord our God did visit us with assurances that he would deliver us; yea, insomuch that he did speak peace to our souls, and did grant unto us great faith, and did cause us that we should hope for our a deliverance in him." Alma 58:11

No matter what the trial may be, whether is is personal or private, long term or short term the Lord is ready and willing to lift us up. Through earnest prayer and sincere desire to believe we can experience that warm assurance that God loves us and that He is on our side. Even if there is a waiting period before we are delivered from our trials, we can receive comfort, peace, and most importantly great faith while we wait. Great faith allows us to hope and enables us to be comforted in our lowest moments. If we struggle in exercising that faith we can pray to be strengthened. He will enable us to develop greater faith in Him and his ability to heal, cleanse and comfort. I find it really encouraging that even when we haven't always been as good as we should have been, as long as we look to him for strength and comfort, He will support us. If we petition him for help and honestly seek to use it then He is more than willing to water and nourish our little seed of faith. The noursihment that our souls receive from our loving Heavenly Father fosters growth; soon that little seed will have grown into a strong tree. However, we need to remember that trees still need nourishment.

I felt God's infinite love today, it wrapped my soul in acceptance like none other. I know that God loves His children and although I wander, He will guide me home.

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