Saturday, April 24, 2010

Uber Long Post is Proof that I Shouldn't wait to Blog

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about life, lots of various different aspects and I’m not sure where to start. I think the first thing I'm excited to share is the excitement about life that I feel when I wake up in the morning, it is incredible. I wake up in the morning take a second before I open my sleeping eyes and drink in life; I begin to wake up to the world instead of grumbling out of bed and mechanically go through my day. Thoreau noticed this phenomena of life and commented that "To be awake is to be alive". I'm waking up and I'm incorporating living into my life. For now, I have stopped worrying about what the day may bring or what emotional state I will be in as it closes. The air is clean again and my lungs have been suffocating; I am aware of myself as I breathe in deep and as I laugh freely with my friends. The world is bright!

I went on a walk up to the temple on Wednesday to have some peaceful time by myself and to figure out a few things. While I was there I took the pictures that are posted with this entry and found my new mission statement. “Holiness to the Lord”- it may seem easier at times to give into what everybody else is doing or saying, but in truth it is easier overall to maintain a close relationship with the Lord. Because that close relationship maintains the stability in my life. It is the glue that holds everything together. Choosing to dismiss the glue is hardly conducive to a founded and focused life. Holiness to the Lord, in all aspects of life.

Friends sometimes are the reason for the most growth in my life. But on the same hand, they also teach me how to recover from those falls. I am so thankful to have people to spend time with that understand me and are willing to listen to my ridiculous rambling. Recently, I was having an incredibly hard day and Alex called me at precisely the right moment.[Alex is my best friend from back home]. She listened to me and I knew that she really honestly cared. My heart was touched.

Also, shout out to Abby, my beautiful, amazing, inspiring now "ex" roomie! In the last month or so she has been subtly teaching me how to really care about other people and to be aware of them. Her loving heart has supported me through this semester. I can only hope that I helped her as well. I am so excited for her and her plans, even though it means I won't see her for a long time. <3

Spring and Summer are going to be amazing! I've kicked it off by going salsa dancing, a party, a huge "cuddlefest" and I'm looking forward to a bonfire tonight. The real reason that my summer is going to be amazing though are the people that I will get to spend time with. I hope to keep spending time with these people as well as those I haven't met yet and those that the ties of friendship go back a ways.

Life is beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the pics being crazy, I was trying something different. I'll get the hang out this!!
