Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bloom Where You Are Planted

"Bloom Where You Are Planted"... I'm working on that. It is a phrase that one of my close friends used recently and the idea impressed me. Sometimes I flatter myself into thinking that I'm good enough or that I'm happy enough. And then something happens to remind me that complacently doesn't lead to happiness or fulfillment. Be happy no matter what Life throws at you, because Life is the master of curve balls and strike outs.

Be Happy.

Bloom Where You Are Planted.

I'm working on that. :)


  1. I love your blog! I am so excited for more of it! :)

  2. I read this post the other day and since then I've been thinking about that. I really like that quote. It reminds me of another quote I love. It goes "In hopes of reaching the stars, men fail to see the flowers that bloom at their feet". :)

  3. I am amazed everyday at the affect on our lives that small things people say have. I hope to be more careful about the things I say, in order to make them count.

    And I know you are working on it :)
