Sunday, May 2, 2010

Idaho Potatoes

So, this weekend plans changed like 3 times but I ended up going to Blackfoot Idaho with LeAndra.
Let me start from the beginning. I was at work making pitas and LeAndra texted me to say that we could leave Idaho sunday night so I would be able to make it back to provo in time to work at 7am monday morning. Then we had a rush but I had a couple hours to prepare mentally for leaving for the weekend. Danny came and visited me at work and stuck around to give me a ride home because he is just so nice like that. No, Danny this is not your official appearance on my blog, but you did make it ;)
Anyways, so I stuck around talking to him and told him what the plans were. After saying goodbye I walk into my new apartment and I smell paint. The kitchen is now painted! Can I just say that I love my new roomies, and a lot of the reason is because they will randomly do things like that.
So I rush around for an hour putting away clothes and throwing some things together to go to Idaho. And eventually I'm ready to go. LeAndra's friend drove us up to Idaho in his little blue geo. I sat in the back and thought to myself, "Oh my gosh, If we get hit I'm going to die." We drove a tin can up to idaho, but hey, it's a car right?

We stopped by in Malad to say hi to it for Danny. SMALL town. oh my. But it was cuteish, we didn't spend much time there. The drive overall was really pretty, the clouds were big and fluffy but not pure white and not threatening. The sky was blue and spots of sunlight kissed the rolling hills. Wide open spaces are therapuetic. The scenery was pretty much the same the whole time but I didn't mind it.

We arrived in Blackfoot and I'm not sure what time it was but it was fun seeing someone else come home and meeting LeAndra's family. That night we hung out with some kids, hitting up the Local Wal-mart (apparently the thing to do if you want to run into people you know. Then we played Quelf (oh yes it WAS excellent). In the last year or so of my life I have decided that I really enjoy just talking with people and getting to know them.

That night LeAndra and I crashed on the floor at the house and I was OUT. I guess that happens when you work a 53 hour week without a whole lot of sleep. I can sleep just about anywhere nowdays.

Sunday morning we went to a Singles ward that held their services in a funeral home... strange? yes, but it was really pretty. This sunday was also my first time bearing my testimony in a ward that I was only visiting in. I don't know why, I just felt like it would be a good thing to do and let me tell you: I got such a high off of it! :D love it.

Anyways, afterways they showed me the giant potato and a few other spots around town and I just woke up from a little nap.

The rest of the weekend should prove to be just as good. We're celebrating LeAndra's birthday tonight and it should be excellent.

It was a good plan coming to blackfoot.

The adventures of Summer are beginning. Next Weekend: Logan.

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