Monday, October 29, 2012


Okay, we all know that this election has been and will continue to be of major importance. I've also been meaning to write this blog for a long time.

Before I delve into recent thoughts, I have to include a disclaimer:
I am a republican at heart. I believe in small government and my moral view of the world has a huge impact on how I vote. If you choose to be offended at the things I say after this disclaimer, it is exactly that- a choice. This blog has not been composed with the idea to offend but to merely offer my opinion. Thank you.

One of my English classes this semester is based on the premise of doubt. As a class, it was defined as "Landlessness". Working through doubt is like treading water and trying to find land. To go along with that theme our teacher asked us to keep a "doubt journal"; a compilation of our thoughts and reflections on a topic that we felt doubtful about. Now, we don't have to turn in the actual journal but simply report that we worked on it for 20 minutes.

I decided to research the presidential campaign and figure out who I would vote for this November. I knew, from the gate, that I would most likely vote for Mitt Romney. It started as an assumption. And the last thing I wanted to do was vote for someone because everyone around me was voting for them. For me, I need to know why I am voting for them according to the policies that I have researched. Researching both sides was particularly interesting because I had a more liberal backboard to bounce off of, thank you Jessica. My roommate is an Obama supporter and we had several late night/early morning conversations regarding our political views and different things that we had researched.
Here is what I learned from our discussions:

I believe in small government. Before I probably assumed that most people believed that less government we had, the better. That is not true. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing, but there are differing foundation beliefs that often get overlooked in the war of words.

I think, in regards to Political campaigns, there is no way I can know everything let alone have an opinion on everything. This is more of a personal revelation. But if you visit either website, you'll see how many issues there are. There is no way I can research all of those issues and decided which one adds up to the best candidate. Which leads me to my next point....

The issues I have an opinion on, I will research, those I don't, simply get less attention.  I primarily researched: education, economic recovery plans, taxes, and Russian foreign policy. The last one seems random I know.

Both candidates do things that make me uncomfortable. We're talking primarily about the debates here. Not really a topic I feel I need to expound on.

So here is goes, my opinion on each candidate.

I'm just going to say it, I'm not a huge fan of this one. A lot of those differences come in from the fundamental  differences about how government should work. I do feel like we should help people, but I don't want more government programs and I don't want to encourage people to try to live off of what we can give them. I feel that welfare has its place, I'm a huge fan of welfare that attempts to help people be self-reliant. It's a delicate topic and I understand that. But I feel like Obama is feeding the nation with his words and promises, but I'm not sure how much he has actually helped. The more I've listened to the debates and read his platform and policies, I just trust him less. I feel like he is using key words like, "middle class" and "folks". These words don't really reflect his policies but rather his desire to connect with the people and make them feel like he will take care of them.

Mitt Romney-
Here are a few reasons that I like Mitt. I like that he favors small government. I like that he wants to give power back to the states. At first, thinking about that policy made me nervous (California can handle their funds really well), but now that I've spent some time thinking about it I like the idea. I like the morals that he brings to his office. I appreciate having someone in politics who has a moral foundation that I understand from my perspective. His tax plans make sense to me. I realize that his plan for economic recovery will take a long time. Much longer than the american people are willing to give one person. But I think, if employed that his policies would in fact improve the economy, and that is something that is important to me. I feel like I can trust him, at least as much as I can trust a politician. I don't like his idea for portable title one funds... but you can't have everything. 

Other sites I referenced for my information:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Upcoming Fall Semester

I'm nervous. I'm taking 9 credits of English classes, 1 English language class and a religion class. I'll be working 18 hours a week and trying to plan a wedding. 

Regardless, I am excited and here's why:

1) I just moved into a new apartment and it's significantly better than my last place.
2) I have a private room with my own desk
3) I love my roommates. (There is one weirdie but that will be fine, we can handle that). 
4) I work with fantastic people. I especially love that the girls are helping me plan the wedding. 
5) I'm getting married! (how do you not get excited about that)
6) Most of the wedding is already planned or will be planned before school starts on Monday
7) My actual class schedule isn't too bad, I have breaks for homework.
8) I just picked up Racquetball and it's super fun. 
9) I got time off to go home for labor day weekend. 
10) the weather isn't so blazing hot anymore:)

Monday, August 20, 2012

The story that we've all been waiting for

Sometime in early or mid june I went to my temple prep class and left Jonathan with my roommate Lyss for an hour or so. I felt bad but it was early evening and I knew I would be back soon. The class was just getting started when there was a knock on the door. Jonathan and Lyss were standing there and wanted to talk to me. It was then that Jonthan invited me out to Florida with him. His mom found some sweet flights out but they were expiring that night. So, on a whim, I decided to go on vacation with Jonathan to visit his family in Florida at the end of July. 

Time passed and before I went to Florida, I decided that I would no longer be serving a mission. (see my previous post). 
We had been ring shopping, but Jonathan and I "had an appointment" with our Jeweler when we got back from Florida. 

July 24th- Pioneer day. We flew out to Florida and from the airport there drove 3 hours out to Key West for some serious "lobstering". There I went snorkeling for my first time, saw Florida lobsters for the first time and got to watch the sunrise over the ocean. 
Our first plane ride together!

Those Lobsters really did scare me....
 Anyways, because we hadn't gotten very much sleep, we were all pretty tired. We came in from the boat and we couldn't check into the hotel yet so Jonathan, Emily and I were desperate for something to do to keep us occupied and out of the sun. Upon checking the local movie listings, we found this little cinema that was supposedly showing an otter documentary. After a frustrating drive and finding parking, we walk up to the small, sketch cinema, only to find out that they weren't showing the otter movie because of some technical difficulties. We settled on what we thought would be our next best option... a movie call "Moonrise Kingdom". Essentially, it was a hipster film that weirded me out pretty bad and I tried to sleep through part of it. Afterwards, we finally got to go to the hotel and get cleaned up. Let me tell you, after the ocean, the humidity and that movie theater, a shower was the best thing I could have asked for. After we were all feeling human again, we started out again so that we could meet Christopher's friend and take a private plane over Key West.

Quick side note about the plane ride: Only a few days before we left, Christopher asked Jonathan and I if we wanted to have a private plane ride. Of course we agreed! Little did I know that it was the beginning of this brilliant plan.

Anways, so it is this tiny plane, only seats 4 people. So it's our 17-year old pilot and Christopher (Jonathan's brother) in the front and Jonathan and I in the back. Jonathan kept saying how nervous he was and I kept telling him that it would be fine. I thought he was nervous because of the plane... little did I know....

The microphones on our headsets weren't working. Luckily for us, Jonathan has been teaching me some sign language. So we were signing to communicate, talking about how incredible the view was and everything. Then, just as we are flying over the reef he turns to me and signs "I have a secret for you". I'm thinking Oh how cute, he's going to say 'I love you'. I was wrong in the best was possible. He signed to me and asked me to marry him. About the same time I was processing what he was asking, he pulls out a ring and I understood. I'm still surprised that I even remembered to say yes because I was freaking out so much! I think I just ended up nodding my head! I was THRILLED! He pulled it off. He had surprised me.

Yeah I love him like crazy- This was a great moment :)

By the time we landed, we had texted this picture to my immediate family and some close friends. His family was waiting for us with a sign that said "We hope she said "Yes!". That is where the sign came from in the picture below.

I love him so much. I'm blown away everyday by how real this feels. I feel so lucky to have him and I can't wait for the day we get to start our forever together:) The date is set for December 21st, 2012 in the Redlands Temple. 

Just a few pictures for your enjoyment :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Thank Goodness for Butterflies!

At some point growing up in the church I went to a class. In that class, I don't remember when or from  who,  I was given a small piece of paper, and on that paper was an anonymous quote.

"Without change there would be no butterflies."

That quote has stuck with me through all these years. It is a profound and beautiful concept; one that many people, including myself, struggle with. Regardless, I believe that change more often than not, results in beautiful things. I spend so much of my life trying to figure out what changes to make in my life, which ones will make me the most happy. More importantly, I've been trying to follow the spirit, even if the prompting is faint. I've stopped stressing over every little detail and found that when I simply do what feels right with the guidance of the spirit my life is happier. So I try to follow promptings even if I don't know why I'm being told to do that.

This summer has been a summer filled with promptings and changes. First, I was supposed to go to Mexico- and I bailed on that because I decided that I should stay home. Second, I was supposed to quit my job and go on a mission.

I know what you are thinking..."Supposed to go on a mission??? Say what???'

That's it kids- cat's out of the bag! I'm staying home.

It started really small, I started dating Jonathan. I was in denial for a while but by the time I admitted to myself that we were officially dating I was hooked, so incredibly hooked. I'm not sure how he did this but he swept me off my feet and I was more than happy to oblige. I kept telling people that if I wasn't okay with the idea of losing him I wouldn't go on a mission but I would live therefore I was still going on my mission.

Then I started to realize that I didn't want to be apart from him. So I considered staying home. I started considering it. I told Jessica that I was was still 95% sure that I was still going but I was considering going. Within a week and a half the tables had completely turned and I was staying home. I could only make the decision after calling my Dad and asking his advice.

So that was it I decided to stay home and get married to Jonathan :) Just as a note to all those people who I told in the past that I didn't understand how people get married: I get it now :D

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Called to Serve

I was at work, the back of my mind wondering if it would come today. What if it got delayed? What if it got here today? How would tell everyone? Would we have enough phones? Where in the world would I be called? I tried to answer phones and act like things were normal. That was, until I got a gchat from my roommate Jessica:

"Jessica: I took the rent checks to the mailbox, and I left something that belongs to you there."

I freaked out. I couldn't handle it. I took a ten minute break with Jess (another old roommate) because my head was spinning and there was no way I would be able to do my job. 
The rest of the day spun and drug on all at the same time. I went home on my lunch break and took some pictures with my big white envelope. I had decided to wait until 8:30pm to open the call so that Marie could be there. Waiting turned out to be harder than I thought. I had NO idea that I could possibly be that excited and anxious. I got off work at 6 and went to dinner with my family and Jessica, Lyss and Jonathan.

We went back home and started arranging who was on skype and phones and such. As it turns out Marie got home way before 8:30 but then I had to wait for everyone else. Around 8:25 people started showing up and within 5-10 minutes my apartment was full.

The last person to call was my Dad because he had to step out of meetings in order to take the call. Once he was on the phone and on speaker I started opening the call. I struggled to open the envelope because I was so nervous it took 3 or 4 times for me to get the whole envelope open. People kept calling out "Remember to cover it with the other paper" Well... to be honest I couldn't find the other paper I was supposed to cover it with... So I pulled some random papers and didn't realize what they were until after I read the call. Turns out they were passport application papers. haha go figure. Anyways... this is what I read: 

"Dear Sister Adams: You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Brazil Porto Alegre South Mission."

There was general excitement in the room and I kept reading to make sure there were no surprises. I was to report on October 10th, to the BRAZIL MTC. Freak out number two. I choked up and didn't know how to respond. I really hadn't even considered the possibility of not going to the Provo MTC. And straight to Brazil..... wow. I'm floored. I still have a hard time thinking that this is real! Don't get my wrong. I am BEYOND excited to go.

This is it. I'm going on a mission. This is real life!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So... I'm getting my mission call this week. I'm praying that it comes on Wednesday (aka TOMORROW) because that works better for the people that I really want there and have already talked to about it. So I'm at work and I can't focus and I don't know what to do with myself..... So I found a list of all 370 missions......

Listed here for your browsing enjoyment:

1.     Alabama Birmingham
2.     Alaska Anchorage
3.     Albania Tirana
9.     Argentina Cordoba
15.   Arizona Mesa
17.   Arizona Tempe
30.   Baltic
36.   Brazil Belem
41.   Brazil Cuiaba
48.   Brazil Maceio
49.   Brazil Manaus
52.   Brazil Recife
97.   Chile Osorno
131. Fiji Suva
313. Singapore