Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Thank Goodness for Butterflies!

At some point growing up in the church I went to a class. In that class, I don't remember when or from  who,  I was given a small piece of paper, and on that paper was an anonymous quote.

"Without change there would be no butterflies."

That quote has stuck with me through all these years. It is a profound and beautiful concept; one that many people, including myself, struggle with. Regardless, I believe that change more often than not, results in beautiful things. I spend so much of my life trying to figure out what changes to make in my life, which ones will make me the most happy. More importantly, I've been trying to follow the spirit, even if the prompting is faint. I've stopped stressing over every little detail and found that when I simply do what feels right with the guidance of the spirit my life is happier. So I try to follow promptings even if I don't know why I'm being told to do that.

This summer has been a summer filled with promptings and changes. First, I was supposed to go to Mexico- and I bailed on that because I decided that I should stay home. Second, I was supposed to quit my job and go on a mission.

I know what you are thinking..."Supposed to go on a mission??? Say what???'

That's it kids- cat's out of the bag! I'm staying home.

It started really small, I started dating Jonathan. I was in denial for a while but by the time I admitted to myself that we were officially dating I was hooked, so incredibly hooked. I'm not sure how he did this but he swept me off my feet and I was more than happy to oblige. I kept telling people that if I wasn't okay with the idea of losing him I wouldn't go on a mission but I would live therefore I was still going on my mission.

Then I started to realize that I didn't want to be apart from him. So I considered staying home. I started considering it. I told Jessica that I was was still 95% sure that I was still going but I was considering going. Within a week and a half the tables had completely turned and I was staying home. I could only make the decision after calling my Dad and asking his advice.

So that was it I decided to stay home and get married to Jonathan :) Just as a note to all those people who I told in the past that I didn't understand how people get married: I get it now :D

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